End-of-Year Playlist

Cast Your Vote

We need your votes to help decide which classical music pieces make it into our End-of-Year Playlist. Be sure to share the story behind your favorite classical music piece. We might share your story on air.

Opening Round: September 16 – October 15, 2024
What piece do you like to wake up to? What inspires you? Is it a forever favorite, a new discovery, or just a piece you’d love to see on the list? We encourage you to vote between September 16 and October 15, 2024.

In need of voting inspiration? Listen to your favorite programs on-air or stream them. View our schedule.

Final Round: October 21 – November 20
After we compile the entries, we’ll ask you to help us rank the pieces.

The Rules
We’ll make every effort to interpret each entry, but may not be able to include it if we can’t determine the selection. KHFM retains the right to change the rules for voting as deemed necessary and maintains editorial control over the final playlist.

  • (Please include the composer and name of the piece)
  • (Please include the composer and name of the piece)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.