Mobile App


Go to the App Store on your phone.

It works best if you are in a WIFI hotspot.

Click the magnifying glass icon and search “KHFM”.

It may ask you for your Apple password. Once you have entered your Apple password, the app will download and be installed on your phone.

After the download is complete, find the icon for the app at the end of your app list on your phone.

Open and click play—it’s that easy!

For more help, click this link to go to the Apple Help Page.


Find the Google Store or Play Store Icon on your phone or click the icon below:

It works best if you are in a WIFI hotspot.

Click the magnifying glass icon and search “KHFM”.

It may ask you for your Google password. Once you have entered your password, the app will download and be installed on your phone.

After the download is complete, find the icon for the app on your phone.

Open and click play—it’s that easy!

For more help, click this link.

Smart Speaker

Just say “Play KHFM.”