Planned Giving

Make an Impact for Years to Come

When you include KHFM in your legacy planning, it’s a unique expression of what Classical Public Radio means to you. Your charitable bequest will provide an enduring legacy that will preserve the future of local classical programming. Your generosity ensures that KHFM continues to provide arts education and promote the arts community of New Mexico. Leaving a legacy gift means that you join us in the endeavor to inspire all New Mexicans with the gift of music for years to come.

Tax-deductible charitable donation options below

Having a will is important for everyone regardless of estate size. It’s a way to support the people and causes important to you.

A Revocable Living Trust and a Last Will & Testament accomplish similar things, but have important differences. Find out which one is right for you.

You can use the tool below to let us know if you’ve left a gift to KHFM in your estate plan.

Some assets, such as IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, certain bank and brokerage accounts, and life insurance policies, are passed outside of your will. These non-probate assets are often held across different institutions so it can be difficult to keep track of everything. Use our tool to organize all your non-probate assets in one place.